
How Local Business and Entrepreneurs Can Continue to Stand Up during Coronavirus?

Are you dealing with a lot of changes in your local business due to the pandemic crisis? Here is all you need to put tactic, and strategies in place to move your business digitally while staying at home safe. 

Camila Fontes Blogger


Local business shut down due to coronavirus

Local businesses are currently doing their best to keep their employees, customers safe. People are losing it by how this situation is impacting the world and citizens. Small local business owners are questioning the future of their businesses. 

As an Agency of one, the freelancer we can feel the rise of need but also the negative impact of losing clients. A lot is been happening with freelancers and local or business owners. The impacts are not as big but still to be a concern. 

Small local businesses and entrepreneurs forced themselves to make changes. With social distances and shutting down earlier. Traffic has vanished. Now the question is – How Local Business and Entrepreneurs Can Continue to Stand Up during Coronavirus?

Among several business owners, they had to put a new strategy in place to protect their assets.

As more people are forcing to stay at home social media is becoming their primary focus. Everyone is using a digital platform to stay connected with families and obligations.


Small Business owners that didn’t focus on digital marketing before, will do now.

These articles can help you lead with these situations plus video resources to learn fast. 

8 Ways To Bring More Engagement For You Business

9 Ways To Truly Value Your Client

Videos that keep you learning what it takes to be digital 

Most of the business like spas, salons, and therapists won’t have to shut down. Due to one x one form of business.

The great news is that everyone is engaging online. This is a great opportunity to prove yourself how digital tactics can do for you.

“The great news is that everyone is engaging online. This is a great opportunity to prove yourself how digital tactics can do for you.”

Tactics For Your Local Business or Services. 


Closing down is very tough but is helping the community. Still are ways to keep cooking and providing services. You don’t need much.

GrubHub, Uber Eats, and even Doordash provide services for delivery, if you are part of their service, you can provide meals.

  • Promote offers that will feed the family,
  • Offer Free Delivery,
  • Offer Coupon of referral,
  • Stay active in social media presence.

It is a very serious danger in providing meals when you deliver yourself. So please don’t do it.


People don’t have to abandon services or neglect new members. don’t have to cancel their plans, everything is temporary, don’t cancel life. Reschedule!

Remember, this is the time we are going to be more digital than ever. Today social media is all we have to communicate, stay social. 

  • So optimized your accounts,
  • Offer gift cards that can during a time frame,
  • Share tips and tricks,
  • Support your audience in staying safe at home.

Local stores – Product Sales

This is the most important part of the product sale base business. Currently, local stores are dealing with less traffic. Markets are high traffic but not enough supply.

I recommend acting in a different way so you keep your brand speaking and caring.

  • Offer free deliveries,
  • Offer to drop off box tactic to avoid social contact,
  • Keep your live videos of your products active online,
  • Provide good customer service,
  • Be creative and find freelancers that can help with that,
  • Explore the options of lives, videos, stories, and demos.

Real Estate Agent

Don’t foul with the tour, right!

Without touring a home is hard to buy or even think about home planning.

  • Continue to offer free consultations,
  • Phone consultations,
  • Stay engaged with your potential buyers,
  • Reschedule tours,
  • Engaged with them via content, and support.
  • Share your listings,
  • Share videos,
  • Show yours of the home yourself,
  • Create content that keeps your audience planning for other better times,
  • Continue to focus on quality than quantity.

Fitness and Health Services

If you are a fitness studio owner of some kind of a personal trainer these tactics are for you. A lot of fitness studios won’t have a big flow of students coming to classes. Video is very important to keep your audience notified and to entertain.  Also, the private fitness classes with your trainer you can always postpone. Here are some of the things you can do now.

  • Share with your audience videos,
  • Notifying your Audience
  • Stay engaged with videos, classes, and consultations,
  • Create Fitness videos for free,
  • Focus on entertaining the entire family now when you are building content.

Remember a lot of people are staying at home or even working from home. There isn’t a lot they can do.

Show your clients and students that you care for them and you want them strong and prepared.

Stay connected with your students, and members of your gym online with:

  • Videos,
  • Emails,
  • Weekly Newsletters with valuable information,
  • Keep all digital documentation,
  • Digital prints for meal plans and work plans,
  • FaceTime your students if need.


We can’t deny this pandemic is affecting small business owners and organizations. More than 3600 people got let go due to the pandemic crisis. Reminding that People can get fired or laid off for many reasons or no reason at all.
Governor demands local businesses shut off, and demanding people to stay home. Such orders have decreased local business traffic and low sales.
Big markets have been challenged by supply-demand. Schools have moved classes online, parents dealing between working from home and taking care of the family and much more.
One thing to consider with this situation is how bad companies’ policies are unstable. Employment laws not so good and people freaking out about viruses and the future. Cleaning companies have considering creating products to support demand.
Also, companies stepping up to support the communities.
Some people will get benefits such as stimulus checks, once approved by the congress.
Some small business owners will have to put digital efforts to continue to sell because they don’t have better resources.
Local shops will move strategies online. Shopify, Amazon, or even their website will need hands on it. Making sure sales keep going and providing good customer services.https://camilafontes.com/social-media-marketing/6-practical-ways-to-boost-brand-awareness/
Stay active on social media will help impact your organization in many ways, just do it right with confidence – 6 practical ways to boost brand awareness. 
Social Media will have heavy traffic on the high demand of users doing all kinds of activities. Social or business will be impacting traffics. Entrepreneurs will have to double the work to beat competitors.
I am constantly providing tips on Instagram Business freelancing and you are welcome to share and collab together. Also you can visit the agency page on Instagram
Yet, we don’t know what this will lead us to be certain. It is a lot of uncertain facts. Presumptions rise with uncertainties of this virus.
The whole nation somehow is feeling the effect of this pandemic coronavirus.
We need to keep our heads up and our options open and stay creative to not lose our brand loyalty and visibility. So the best way to keep ourselves together is by doing what we can and making sure we are getting the support needed.

We are open for new clients and consultations.

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