Which tactic is best for you? Blogging or Vlogging
In case you have been questioning what is the best tactic choice in the marketing world one the most chosen tactics are blogging and vlogging, what is best to do vlogging or blogging? Do you know what is best for you? Can you handle everything that comes with it?
Back in the year’s wordpress.com account was super simple, ou you could create an account, write blogs talk about anything and that is it, but today things have changed. Despite the free blogging users out there. WordPress is have grown a lot.
Today with technology and innovation rising things are changing. It is getting a little better for vloggers and bloggers out there stay active. Some people are actively doing one or two of it.
Technology is growing each year, the software and services business is growing 10% every year.
We can deny that technology helps us in many ways. In my field, I can’t ignore the fact that software tools help a lot. Technology has made so much goodness in the world.
The times are changing the marketing of years ago is not the same as today.
We have video lovers and writer that create any blog turn into a good story.
The trends of 2004 are not the same in 2019 and 2020 promises to be a little more trending than ever.
In fact, 39% of users prefer watching a video while 56% of users enjoy the video content but isn’t on google research.
People are online making searches, we all do it. Seeking to find a solution to a problem or even find services or businesses. Have you noticed the searches are most words?
The eyes are on the written content but videos are another way.
“A blogger is someone who blogs, or writes content for a blog & Blogging is the act of writing a post for a blog. A vlog is a video blog post. Vlog posts are created by creating a video of yourself or an event, uploading it to the Internet and publishing it within a post on your blog”
Vlogging Vs. Blogging
Video content is very popular, and blogging is still a way to get website visitor attention. Both tactics can help with all elements to stay together.
Videos and Blogs has its ways. Both can be measurable but the difficulties to master are much even.
It has its challenges when it comes to being in front of the camera the same way, to write well.
The reality is very clear here, you don’t have to be an English master to write a blog. The same applies you don’t have to be a super start to create a video.
YouTube is growing and tons of creators making videos. Despite the value there are doing it. I did start my solo career on YouTube but as personal experience, I was quite lost and time took me to the right path. I learned with my own mistakes. Today I can do much better.
YouTube used to be the only place to upload videos, now the success and growth and we all have more options.
Where to create a video
- YouTube
- TickTock is a video platform that can help with engagement but not much conversion.
Decided where you want to put your videos change the whole ball of this mission. But you have one or two choices here.
1.Stories and IGTV is all vertical aspect ratio you can produce videos in LIVES, STORIES or even IGTV
2. While Facebook and Youtube, you can do 16:9 Ratio and shoot your video and edit and upload.
Top 5 considerations to vlog
- Research about the topic wants to talk about. The breakdown into sections, and search low competition keywords with the high search.
- Shoot a video of 10 minutes or less to get started.
- Adopt a video editor tool to edit a video such as iMovie, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere or Filmora.
- Create Thumbnails or image covers, you can make this in any creative website such as canva.com
- Outsource your videos Editing if you can’t do it yourself. Try upwork.com or fiver.com but make sure you see samples first.
If you choose to blog it is important to spend time and focus on your website brand, audience and then your content. What kind of Audiences you want to attract, do you want to entertain, educate, inform what is your main goal? What you want to take from this blog yourself and what you expect others to take from your blog? Writing a blog can be critical and less engaging at a time, because requires a set of tasks and value to deliver.
Where to Create a Blog:
I recently spoke about this in my video on Instagram IGTV & Facebook in English and Portuguese
Top 5 Considerations to Blog
- Research about the topic on Google trends, Google keyword planner, or Ubersuggest. Research on an incognito window if you going to use google search. Incognito Window your research won’t be recording. So is safe to research this way.
- Adopt tools that will help along the way for Grammar and Readability and SEO. SEO on-page and off-page skills before and after you create your blog. It will help Google rank your articles.
- Yoast plugin on your wordpress.org will help you keep your blog SEO in check. SEO is one of the most important tools to make your content rank. Don’t despair if you don’t see results right away it takes time to see impact crawl on your site.
- You need a good Title Blog Generator as part of opening the inspirational door.
I wrote a blog about A quick fix of overcoming writing blockings. It happens to the best of us. If you are already a blogger and struggling in deciding to continue to shift things take a look in this article.
- You need to create great images for your blogs canva.com
One or both? Blogging and Vlogging
Let’s say you up for the challenge to do both tactics. If you can create balance content by blogging and vlogging you are targeting all the angles in one shot. The best part of this is that you are not missing any part of your audience.
One of the things people forget to do is up-cycling content. It is very important to reach your audience in different ways.
The worst news is when your followers are NOT finding the answers to their problems where they want to be. In videos or blogs.
Let’s say you wrote an article about ” Top 10 Spring Fashion Style for 2020″. You didn’t make the video with the outfits or didn’t put an infographic about the outfits styles.
You want to up-cycle the blog into a different format to attend the needs of your audience.
- Creating a video wearing the outfits…
- Creating a LIVE video about the outfits…
- Creating a post with the clothing and accessories related to the article.
- Don’t forget to take your audience somewhere by internal link these formats in each platform. Leave your blog on YOUTUBE video, leave your blog or IGTV on your Instagram feed post, etc.
- Don’t forget the CTA’s.
Today, blogs are still powering with full force on the internet. Most brands already have a blog content schedule in place. Utilizing your blog content to connect with their audience. So you can generate traffic, and to stay relevant.
Vlogs are the new generation crowd and a lot of people don’t know how to master yet. Videos are millennials’ choice and even less valuable content gets attention on YouTube. Big brands are focusing on creating the occasional how-to or promotional video. Also, they want to leverage staying consistent and sticking to a schedule.
Blogs and vlogs are both great tactics worth your time and still valuable format of content. You can share your product, service or affiliate marketing into your blogs, vlogs and more.
You can always up-cycle a blog into a video and vice-versa. You can put in place all theses tool together to come up with one good article or one good video. Create tips, suggestions and carrousel slide off your contents and go above.
Remember to better create, plan and promote. Practice will make you stand as an authority in your niche. Time will lead to more chances to reach your goals and gain a media form of success.